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10 PRL in Long Branch, NJ Wedding | Dana & Serge

Dana and Serge were celebrating their marriage with friends and family at the 10 PRL in Long Branch, NJ. Dana and I know each other in the wedding industry, and she makes beautiful flowers. The time it must take to make all the flowers she puts together, truly shows her dedication to her craft.

We heard from God's word, we saw a beautiful slideshow Dana and Serge put together of their time together so far, and we played a little game show to guess things about the bride and groom. I was only there for a few hours, but there was so much going on I could have just left my camera on record the whole night.

Dana and Serge were very sweet together, and you could see their silly and fun side coming out as the night moved along. With all these special moments, it's tough to put everything together in one video, but here's their highlight!

Love was there, was it perfect? You'll just have to watch the video.



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