When I was asked to photograph Courtney and Jason's courthouse wedding ceremony, I was so down for it! Those of you that know me well, know that my husband and I got married in a similar way several years ago. It was just the two of us in Hampton, Virginia and let me tell you, I cried like a baby. Like the ugly cry! It felt super reassuring that I didn't look like that in front of tons of people. Okay, less about me!
When I asked Courtney how she met Jason, this is what she shared; "We met through one of Jason's good friends from high school, Bryan. I knew Bryan from college, and even though he lives in Austin now, we occasionally texted about music. A few years ago I heard this band that I mentioned to him. He ended up telling Jason about them, and he also really liked their music. He wanted to catch them in concert, but he didn't have anyone to go with. Bryan suggested me, and... the rest is history. We met at the show (December 2016) and grabbed some food after and immediately hit it off. We had a lot in common-- we both like music, history, and traveling. We did the long distance thing between Brooklyn and Cranford for awhile. Every Friday, Jason would either drive into Brooklyn, or I would take the train into Cranford so we could spend the weekend together. Last summer, I moved in with Jason in Cranford, and he proposed while we were decorating the Christmas tree by (attempting) to tie the ring with a ribbon around our cat, Citra. 😻"
Pet proposal?! How stinkin' cute! Her Jason commuted to Brooklyn, which reminded me of how my Jason commuted to Brooklyn. It's crazy what things people have in common sometimes. Anywho, The band that they saw in concert was Pinegrove. I had never heard of them, so of course I checked them out and they are pretty good! I'd suggest taking a listen the next time you are up for music exploration.
I met with the couple in the early afternoon. I was so excited that I got there early to scope it out for a bit. The weather was gorgeous and the town was adorbs. I almost felt nervous for them, remembering how much I fell apart when my fiance looked into my eyes and committed himself to me forever. Needless to say, these two stayed strong during the ceremony!
Jason and Courtney felt like old souls, and I can relate in such a strong way. They seemed mature, classically dressed, and knew what they wanted.
I checked in with them about what they did after they left. Courtney let me know "we actually ended up going to this restaurant, Brick Farm Tavern, that serves beer from a brewery that's on site, Troon Brewing. It's almost impossible to get cans from this brewery, but literally 20 minutes after we got there, they announced a release and we were able to line up and grab a few! Jason's really into craft beer, so it was like a special wedding gift! 😁"
I love little surprises like that! Courtney and Jason are so cute and Cranford is a cute quaint little town. I am so happy to have been able to document their special day! Thank you both!