Their Session: Kennedy Dells Park, New City, NY Engagement Session
Jason and I met up with Keira and Steven one spring morning at Kennedy Dells County Park in NY. Having been there one time myself, I remembered a bit of a hike to get to a beautiful waterfall. We passed fields, trails, forests, and my favorite, lots of doggos! While we may have walked a bit more than I remember the distance being (sorry, y'all! 🥴), it was a great day for a session. I was definitely impressed by Keira's agility in her footwear of choice going from spot to spot! I can't wait to share some of my freakin' favorite images from their engagement session, but first, more about their love story!
How They Met
Keira and Steven met through a mutual friend of theirs. Keira’s friend from high school was one of Steven’s best friends from college. How crazy is that?!??! A friend threw a labor day barbecue at her family’s house nearly 6 years ago and Steven came to town for the party.
Here is what Keira had to say about meeting Steven; “The first thing I noticed about Steven was his super long hair...had never been my type before but for him it just worked!! Then I noticed how sweet and caring he was...we were out at a bar the night we met and someone dropped a glass on my foot and I was bleeding all over the place. Even though we just met that day, Steven took me to get it cleaned up and a find a band aid. He still takes such good care of me!” What a hero Steven is to deal with blood the first time meeting Keira! It can be tough to know how to handle situations like that, but he managed to be a gentleman and it definitely paid off!
Here’s what Steven shared about meeting Keira; “I saw Keira from across the yard at the party and knew I wanted to talk to her, we hit it off right away and I knew I wanted to talk to her again!” Sometimes there's just no denying an instant connection!
The Proposal
Here's what Keira shared about their engagement; "We had talked about it for a long time, and definitely both knew it would be happening soon! But, Steven pulled off an awesome surprise and I had no idea it would be happening then. We got engaged at our favorite spot in the neighborhood, a little pond with ducks near our apartment that we walk to all the time. It was our 5 year anniversary!" I love that Steven incorporated a sweet sentimental spot for them. A beautiful moment that they can remember every time they go back!
Their Love
Keira describes Steven as sweet, easy-going, and committed. She shared that once he starts something, he can’t quit! She said that he is super thoughtful and isn’t afraid to be honest about how he’s feeling. She said that their relationship started as a long distance one and saying those goodbyes was the hardest thing. It became clear to Keira pretty quickly how well they got along. She shared that it was crazy how they never got tired of each other on their whole weekends spent together, even thought it was very early in their relationship!
Steven shared that Keira is silly, thoughtful, and smart. They both said their favorite quality about each other was that they love doing nice things for and taking care of one another. 🥺 They love having a built in best friend. Even if the day starts off rough, they can come together at the end of the day and it turns into a good day! Steven starting falling in love with Keira because it was so easy for them to talk and get along. He said that it just felt so natural to be together.
Their idea of a perfect weekend together would involve drinking coffee, sitting on their comfy couch together, listening to vinyls, playing some board games, and watching tv. They love to hang out at their apartment watching shows like Seinfeld (one of our favs!) and Brooklyn 99. Keira loves listening to 70s and 80s music. Rock, classic rock, and funk are among her favorite genres, while Steven enjoys rap and hip-hop. Keira loves to cook and Steven loves eating, so it’s a match made in heaven!
Keira & Steven
Thank you for hiking around with us and exploring Kennedy Dells! It may have been a bit more walking than expected, but it was definitely worth it! It was so great to meet you two and we're glad to have had such a nice and relaxing session with you! We loved taking a break to visit nature as we go to know each other more. Thank you for trusting us with your engagement session! I can't wait to see you at your wedding! 🥰 xoxo