I have been working away on my new website and am very proud of it! There are some tweaks here and there that I want to still make, but I am excited that it's live now! One of the reasons I wanted to change my website was to find a host with an internal blog, instead of having to have an external one. I also wanted to compile my work instead of having it spread out in so many different categories. In addition, I wanted to showcase some of my commercial work as well. I added new images and want to share some facts on some of them.
For all of the images, I took them myself with a remote. You can see me holding it in the image of me sitting on the windowsill. I love using this thing! It is so easy to connect to the camera. The only downside is that the range or signal of the remote requires it to be within open view of the camera, often showing up in the image. You can also see one of my favorite mugs, my pumpkin mug, on the top left.
As soon as I opened my (father's) tripod to set up for these images, it broke! One of the brackets came apart. I was still able to set it up since it was at a low height. Not sure if we'll be able to fix it. It was my favorite tripods since it was metal, a good weight, and didn't have an easy-to-loose separate mounting bracket (seriously, who came up with that?!).
I took these images in the kitchen of my apartment. The building is older which can sometimes make for cool pictures. This was the first time that I wore either the blouse or the skirt. I also wore my moon earrings. I love the moon! It's one of the things I want to add it to my favorites section of my about me page. Apparently, I was born on a full moon. I am definitely more of a night person, but there is something very inspiring about being up and about in the early hours of the morning. I feel that I can accomplish more this way.
I didn't have any reflectors in the photographs and did a lot of post-production work on them. I haven't taken any self-portraits in quite some time. I definitely wanted to put current photos of myself on my website as my hair has been rapidly changing lately. I have been cutting it myself since May. I have also been lightening it myself.
I am not really a selfie person. The world is bombarded with them like a plague, and trust me, no one really cares what everyone looks like everyday!
The mug in the last picture is one that I got from Paul Simon's final tour that I went to with my family for my birthday. "Still crazy after all these years." It seems to remind me a bit of myself!
I'd love to try shoots like this every once in a while. I want to cut the sides of my hair
soon, and might feel the need to update my images! Having a faux-hawk was always on my "bucket list" and I finally just decided to do it one day. I have "no regerts" as one of my good friends says!