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Surprise Kitty!

My husband and I ventured out to a greenhouse to snap some new portraits of me. I'm thankful that we could get some color and stay warm all while getting nice outdoor lighting. I was super excited to update the photos of me on my website! The greenhouse was more barren than I expected it to be. Nevertheless, we still had fun.

While my husband was taking images of me, I saw a random kitty head right towards me. I must've looked like the pet monkey Abu in Aladdin when he saw the genie lamp in the cave. It was a dream come true; a kitty came over to get my attention! Affection is why I'm such a dog person, so this cat was heaven-sent! Take a look at our shoot below, but be prepared for kitty-spam!

Whenever I point a camera at my husband, he tries to model. Really hard. Too hard. I think the most beautiful images of him are when I can see how he really looks at me, but through the lens.

We definitely had fun with moving sunlight and the affectionate kitty cat! The next time we venture out to snap headshots, I definitely want to bring a reflector. We tested out two lenses; Nikon 50mm 1.8 & Tamron 28-75mm 2.8. It appears as if the prime lens, predictably so, is much sharper. This reassures my husband that he made a great choice buying two prime lenses (the first I heard about this!) for his video adventures. My logic for not buying camera and computer equipment off of eBay seems to have no bearing on him whatsoever, but I still love him.



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