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The Park Savoy in Florham Park, NJ Wedding | Lisa & Brandon


We were at The Park Savoy in Florham Park, NJ with Lisa and Brandon. This was such a beautiful wedding, and all the flowers were in bloom! Everyone was looking forward to the first look, including the bride and groom. Not to say it was a competition, but both Lisa and Brandon were looking very fine on their beautiful day together with family and friends. This wedding had a vibe of a youthful spirit with lots of fun and laughs.

I asked Lisa's dad about the wedding right before he saw Lisa in her wedding dress for the first time, and he was speechless at first. In fact, this probably best describes the emotions in a wedding day. You cannot put into words the meaning behind marriage.

Jessah and I have shot many weddings, but each day, and truly each couple is so unique. We only get to be involved in a small part of the beginning of their journey together through life. Lisa and Brandon started this journey, and they had many people their to show their support. By the end of the day, I was the one speechless. There is nothing more important in life, than love.

Love was there, was it perfect? You'll just have to watch the video.




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