08. Formals!
Don't wander off...
We're ready for some poses! By now you're thinking, I thought Jessah and Jason weren't about poses. True, but check out these poses. They aren't ours, they're yours.
3...2...1...POSE! We don't care what you do. Show us some flair, give a silly face, get serious and channel your inner Vogue. We're game for it all, and don't worry, we'll book plenty of time together to make it all happen.
We'll get the the traditional formals as well. You'll have your pick of every mood by the time we're done. The bride and groom are the most important, but everyone has a moment to shine on wedding days. "Bring it in for the pictures!" and seriously...bring it in cause we need you all in the frame to catch those smiles and laughs.
"Dismissed!" Go have some fun wedding party, family, and friends. We're stealing the bride and groom for some Couple's Portraits.